Ton Lindhout
Born: 26-03-1943 The Hague. Since 2003 living in Germany.

Member of the Ferrara Collective. Rijswijkse Kunstenaarsvereniging.
Exhibitions: Tilburg 2003 (NL). Kockengen 2005 (NL). Hoogeveen 2005(NL).
2006: Elim 2006(NL), Galerie Afterdaan. Emmen 2006 (NL), De Melkfabriek. Groningen
2006 (NL) Hoofdbureau Regio Politie.
Ferrara 2006 (Italy), The Magic Pathts of Art.
2007: Zwolle (NL) Art&Christmas. Mar del Plata (Argentina) Moderna 07.
Leipzig (Germany), Art Domain Gallery. Dwingeloo Art Garden (NL).
Hoorn, Gallery OOST (NL). Hoornhuizen, Gallery Art&Job (NL).
Florence (Italy),Biennale Internazionale Dell'Arte Contemporanea.
Ferrara 2007 (Italy), The Spirit of Art.
2008: Mar del Plata (Argentina) Moderna 08. Istanbul (Turkey),Exhibition Instants.
Almere (NL) Kunstplek Afterdaan2. Bologna (IT) Gallery Marchi, Little Treasures.
Rijswijk (NL),Gallery Arti Shock.
2009: Emmen (NL),Kunsttotaal. Ankara (Turkey), Erenus Gallery. Hamburg (Germany), Manziart Gallery. Chianciano Terme (Italy), Biennale Museo d'Arte. Ferrara (Italy), Estense Castello.

Education: Free Academy of Art, The Hague.

Worked as a free lance illustrator and graphic designer and several years as an art director for international agencies. These days I live in rural Emsland in Germany. Before I start to paint, I love to walk with Gino, my Labrador. It is a wonderful time for contemplation and it frequently inspires me. We explore the fields around our home, the hills further away or the seashore; all have different ‘faces' and, most of all, different light. My thoughts and inspirations often mirror the change in the season that is so clear when you live in the countryside. Music and poetry also play vital parts in bringing the creative processes together. I would like to share all this with you.