Giuliano Giuliani

Even though the eye has been hit by colours, that without any doubt is one of the most important characteristics of this artist's works, what really impresses is the drawing itself.
The fragmentation is recomposed thanks to a drawing that we can define as architectonic because , after the analytical vision of mind itself by summing its thoughts, we can discover a real sense of the word image.
Giuliani is a painter, the son of the 21st century, of convulsive metropolis and not fluid time flow, fragmented into thousands modern activities, and here you are, the Knight becomes Electric, and the author underlines that with colors, but it also breaks into many focal points recomposing later giving us the imagethat is only apparently fantastic, because in our time it is the rationality that rules, the artist is aware of that and that is why he proposes his visions of time and space where the rationality of drawing creates the artistic work.

Artistic contributions 2007- 2010

LaBoheme Gallery (Denver, USA)
NY ArtMagazine (New York – USA)
Galeria gaudi (Madrid – Spagna)
Galeria Artelibre (Saragozza – Spagna)
Waylight Ltd (Cadaval – Portogallo)
Ateneo de Montevideo (Uruguay)
3DArte (Iasi – Romania)
Marziart (Amburgo – Germania)
Bashimi ArtHouse (Salisburgo – Austria)
FederazioneArtistiNordOvest (Torino) (Genova – Sanremo)
Archi Gallery (Milano)
Galleria Il Poliedro (Trieste)
Galleria 18 (Bologna)
Art gallery Santa Teresa (Fano)
Mega Art Web Art Gallery (Roma)
Movimento Cento e piu' artisti uniti per la Valle dell'Aniene Cerreto Laziale (Roma)
Associazione culturale L' Erba Voglio Tivoli (Roma)
Ar.Per.C. Castellabate (Salerno)
Taormina Gallery – Taormina (Messina)
Edizioni Amande (Casier – TV)
Edizioni il Candelaio (Firenze)
EuroArte (Lecce)
M° Mario Salvo
Javier ramirex