Carla Rovers (1970) lives in Wanroij, the Netherlands.

In her daily life she is occupied with architecture. She is fascinated by the world of shapes and mass. Through influences from different expressive artists and lessons taken from them, she has been able to combine her sense of shape and mass with different craft technique.

The specific way of molding and technique is intensified by the materials used.

Clay is one of the materials. In it’s coarse appearance it’s a natural material that affiliate closely with the essence of simplicity. The robust emanation comes into existence through her handwriting and the use of the structure of the clay on the surface of her sculptures. The pure colors of nature (metal oxides) are combined on her sculpture.

Next to ceramics she also creates images of natural stone. This material is excessively suitable to express the simple, powerful and significant shapes of the artist.

With the right shapes, lines, powerful but always with the survey of simplicity, Carla Rovers tries to visualize an emotion or memory.





Intermediate vocational education school of house painting with courses in silver/gild and marble-imitation


Higher Profesional Education

Structural engineering


Course gold en silver smith


Course make pottery


Course ceramiek


Course modelling clay Thea Blok Beek en Donk the Netherlands


Course sculpure by Luc Ingles Zeeuws vlaanderen the Netherlands

2003 until now

Course sculpure By Carmen Smiet-Truckenbrodt Helenaveen the Netherlands

2004 until now

Course experimental fire technics of ceramiek






Helenaveen the Netherlands


Duo-exhibition with Marc Schoenmakers at the Klompenmuseum Best the Netherlands

Best the Netherlands

Eindhoven the Netherlands

Hermans Optiek Gemert the Netherlands


Joe Mann Natuurtheater Best the Netherlands

Duo-exhibition with Marc Schoenmakers ‘De Groene Poort’ Boxtel the Netherlands

Exhibition ‘Everwijnsgoed’ Renkum the Netherlands

Helenaveen the Netherlands

Gallery ‘Kunst en Kunst’ Waalre the Netherlands

Library Gemert the Netherlands